Mrs. Maura Nash
Mrs. Maura Nash Principal
March 10, 2025
Dear SJF Families,
This month is a wonderful to time to reflect on how LUCKY we are to beFALCONS! A heartfelt thank you goes out to Joe and Colleen Hurley, alongwith the entire St. Pat's Committee, for organizing a fantastic communityevent for our parish last Saturday! The event aimed to show appreciation forthe incredible contributions our community makes, which help make St.John Fisher a wonderful place to live. This event could not have beenrealized without the dedicated efforts of our volunteers. We would like toextend our appreciation to the Barry, Callham, Connors, Cotter, Doheny,Finn, Garza, Griffin, Guinane, Harrigan, Houston, Hurley, Knight, Konrath,Larmon, Leonard, McDonald, Moran, Moody, Murphy, Robinson, Schneider,Stazzone, Weber, and Winter families. Additionally, a big thank you to theFisher Falcon Education Foundation and Fr. Ken! Last Saturday, our outstanding 8th graders celebrated the sacrament ofConfirmation. The Mass was truly beautiful! Our students were lovinglyprepared to take this important step. We want to thank their sponsors,parents, grandparents, family, and friends for their guidance along the way.We are so appreciative of Dr. Chermak, Mrs. Ade, Ms. Browne, Mrs. Condon,Ms. Higgins, Mrs. Scannell, Ms. Walsh, and Fr. Ken for the dedication and...