2019 SJF HNS 11th Annual Food Drive
The SJF Holy Name Society will be conducting its 11th annual parish-wide Food Drive. We need your help in order to make this a success and build on this tradition. The food drive will culminate on Saturday, March 30th. Here is a rough outline of the drive and the times we are asking you to lend help to this worthy cause.
Saturday Mach 30th – Teams of adult volunteers with help from young volunteers (SJF students/scouts/etc.) would go door to door through the neighborhood dropping off a bag and letter describing the Food Drive process and requesting parishioners to leave a bag with food on the porch the following Saturday (April 6th). We think your time commitment that day would be between 9:00 and 11:00 AM. Please come to Kane Hall at 9:00 AM to pick up your bags and street assignments.
Saturday April 6th – Teams again would go through the neighborhood and collect canned goods from front porches. These items would be collected and brought back to SJF. Separate teams would assemble and fill boxes back at SJF. These would be loaded into a truck and then delivered to food pantries. We again anticipate the time commitment would be 9:00-11:00 AM. Again, come to Kane Hall at 9:00 AM for street assignments.
As you can see, this drive will require quite a bit of volunteerism. We will always need help packing boxes at SJF. Please respond back to sjfhns@gmail.com with any questions.
Thanks for your support!
St. John Fisher Food Drive Committee