Dear SJF Families,
Please see below about Beauvember!
In years past members of the Holy Name Society have grown mustaches in November in support of Movember and have raised money for various cancers that affect men disproportionately. However, this year we are growing our staches and raising funds for one of our own, Beau Dowling. As many of you know Beau has already beaten Neuroblastoma and unfortunately he has to beat Thyroid Cancer now. We all know the health care related costs associated with any extended medical issues or cancer battles. A go-fund-me page has been established to help out with the numerous medical expenses the Dowling's will incur. Please click the link below to make a donation. It's not too late to grow your stache to show your support of Beau!
Thank you for your support and generosity,
SJF Holy Name Society