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September 15, 2023

Posted on Sep 15, 2023

Dear SJF Families,

We are really getting into the groove of things as we just completed our 3rd week of school. Our Falcons are working hard at adapting to their schedules and getting used to their routines and expectations. We are so proud of how hard they are working and how far they have come in such a short amount of time!

Well, our community is certainly not lacking for events! Please be sure to take a look at the below flyers outlining all of the wonderful opportunities we have to be together! Thank you to everyone who has volunteered to plan and organize these events. SJF is alive and well thanks to all of you!

One of the most important parent events on the horizon is our Technology Speaker on Thursday, September 21st at 7 p.m. in the church. Please join us (adults only!) to hear a representative from the FBI speak to us regarding the importance of our children's safety with technology. Technology is ever-changing and we can never be too informed when it comes to our kids’ well-being and safety. We believe this will be a very helpful and informative evening for all! It takes a village to raise good kids and we are so grateful to be in this village together with you!

Now more than ever, it is a great time to be a Falcon! The future of our school and community is bright! Thank you for your continued support of Catholic education, but specifically St. John Fisher School. You Belong Here.

In unity and hope,

-Mrs. Nash 
