Nora Larmon and Katherine Burg

Posted on Jan 18, 2025

One of our school themes is “Fly Like a Falcon”. Falcons SOAR above, capturing an aerial view of what is going on below. We are encouraging our school community to “SOAR above” things that might bring us down, not allowing us to be our best selves and to be mindful of those around us who might need our help and support. We are on a school-wide crusade to “Fly Like a Falcon”, lifting one another up, celebrating the positive interactions, and kind behavior that our students and staff demonstrate each and every day. This week we recognize 3rd graders Nora Larmon & Katherine Burg. Last week, we noticed that students were writing and drawing on the girls' bathroom stalls in the 3rd and 4th grade hallway. We engaged in a meaningful conversation with the 3rd and 4th graders about the importance of caring for our school, which serves as their second home, and treating it with respect. We talked about the significance of leaving things better than we found them, making wise choices, and using paper for writing! Nora and Katherine truly embraced our message and took action! They chose to forfeit their recess the next day to clean the stall doors. Nora and Katherine, we appreciate your leadership and your commitment to making our school the best it can be! You are making a positive impact, and we are incredibly proud of you and thankful to have you as Falcons! Keep “Flying Like Falcons,” Nora and Katherine!