With the flip to the December calendar at the end of the week, please note the following upcoming weekend events:
Students will have NO SCHOOL on FRIDAY because of the religion in- service day for the faculty. Friday night is the FSA Boutique Night, a great opportunity for some special Christmas shopping in a relaxing environment with snacks and drinks available.
The class of 2017 will take the high school placement test at the local Catholic Schools on Saturday morning. We are confident they will do well, but do say a little prayer that they will not be nervous. On Saturday night, they will celebrate with a games night in Kane Hall.
This year we will again try to make Christmas a happier day for the children with whom we work at the Pro Labore Dei project in Robbins. Children are asked to bring a wrapped toy with age and gender marked clearly on the outside of the package. You may bring the gift either to the 10:00 Mass on Sunday, Dec. 5, or to school before Thursday, Dec. 14.
St. Nicholas is scheduled to make a “guest appearance” and accept the wrapped gifts at the 10:00 Mass on Sunday, December 3.
All are also welcome for Kids Christmas Crafts after the 10:00 Mass on Sunday, Dec. 3. Students can make Christmas gifts or other priceless decorations and pose with Santa.
Next Wednesday, Dec. 6, we board the busses for the all school field trip to see WONDER. (The preschoolers will not be coming with us for this trip.) When we return, we have special lunch…
Suggestions for Christmas gifts:
Pre School and Kindergarten: Toys for infants and toddlers
Grades 1,2, and 3 Toys for 5-8 year olds (Also mittens and hats)
Grades 4, 5, and 6 Games for 9-12 year olds (also mittens and hats)
Grades 7 and 8 Gift Cards, hats and gloves.
Thanks as always for your help…