Christmas Masses Please note St John Fisher Parish has opened sign up to attend and/or volunteer at the Christmas Masses. You must sign up to allow us to continue to offer Mass safely within the Archdiocesan guidelines in responding to the pandemic crisis. If the sign up is full we encourage you to attend another Mass. Please also note that masks are required to enter church. To signup please click on the link below to sign up or call rectory at 773-445-6565, or email SJF Christmas Masses (Christmas Eve, 12/24 - 4 PM (FULL) & 10 PM; Christmas Day, 8 AM and 11 AM ) Please sign up # of attendees that will sit with you in the same pew(s) and sign up for ONLY ONE Christmas or Christmas Eve Mass. If you need multiple pews due to social distancing, please sign up additional pews under separate name and # of attendees. Estimated 6 (8 with small children) people can sit in one pew from the same household. May add comment if you would like to sit with another family/ pew. Note signups for Sat. (4PM) and Sun. Masses (8AM, 11 AM) continue at the regular signup link or can also call the rectory, and we request that you sign up before noon on, Saturday, if possible for all weekend Masses: SJF Mass Signup Daily Masses continue to be offered MWF @ 8:15 AM, and confession at 3- 3:45 PM every Saturday, sign in at door. Adoration every First Friday from 7 PM to 8 PM. And if you would like to assist at Mass (volunteers still needed at all Masses every weekend weekend ) with greeting, ushering, or cleaning afterwards, please sign up here or by calling rectory: Usher/ Greeter/Cleaner Volunteer Signup We no longer have an offertory collection at Mass, but we appreciate your continued support. There are baskets at the both the front and exit doors and you can sign up to electronically contribute here: Bulletins are no longer available at the door but can be downloaded from our website at: Have a Blessed Advent season preparing for Christ to come! Back to news