Dear Parent of a Second Grader,
Your child’s First Reconciliation is set for Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. We will have one session at 6:30 p.m. for the second graders in our school and Children's Faith Formation program.
Parents and children should come to church a few minutes early and sit close to the front. We will begin with a short prayer service led by our parish priests. Next the children will have the opportunity to receive the sacrament individually. We will conclude the prayer service with a final prayer and blessing.
We strongly urge that you make this a special night for you and your child receiving the sacrament by leaving younger or older brothers and sisters at home. It is also a nice idea to celebrate afterwards by going out for ice cream, or planning a little dessert treat at home for a family celebration.
We hope this is a moment of special graces and blessings for your family as your child takes this next step in his or her faith development. We look forward to seeing you on Wednesday, February 27th .
Mrs. Nash Ms. Chermak Mrs. Kellam Ms. Broncato
Mrs. Ade Mrs. Connolly
If you have any questions, please contact your child’s teacher, or call Ms. Chermak at (773)238-1851 or e-mail at
P.S. Please respect the solemnity of this event by not photographing your child as he or she is receiving the sacrament.