FISHERFEST 2018, will be September 13-16th, Save the dates!
This all important fundraiser which provides such a fun environment for us to come together as a community and raises 10-15% of the overall parish operating income is in need of some help! Come join the fun, and fellowship, and help out the other fun and faithful parishioners pull together this great event. Consider donating your time to St. John Fisher and joining the Committee this Lent...
The first FISHERFEST 2018 planning meeting is scheduled for
WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 21, 2017 at 7 PM in Kane Hall.
We need some willing volunteers to co-chair the Kids Games on Washtenaw, Raffle Committees. We are also looking for some operations help during the days leading up to the fest. If you have sometime during the day, and can help coordinate where equipment gets dropped off and placed, especially Thursday of the fest, please sign up to help in this manner! If you have a friend or spouse who is up to the challenge, bring them and come see if you could maybe help out in these or other capacities. If you don't have a willing co-chair, come anyway, and we'll help you find one. It is a fun parish event to work on with a great group of people.
Or perhaps you have suggestions on how we can make FisherFest even better. Come be part of the general committee to get your "vote" in.
FisherFest is our main and sometimes only Parish fundraiser, please consider donating your time to help up with this wonderful event centered on Faith, Family, and of course Fun at St. John Fisher.
Please email, or call the rectory 773-445-6565 if you would like to know more, have suggestions, or can't make the meeting and would like to volunteer.