Fisherfest starts Thursday; here’s how you can help!
- Volunteer - Security: We need off duty police officers to work security at Fisherfest 2018 - especially Sat. -15th and Sun. -16th. Please contact Mike Poppish at his cell (773) 418-4214, ASAP. Otherwise, signup on one the links we've provided: Ticket Booths, Raffle Sales/ Food Area, Kids Area or email us -
- Buy a Raffle ticket, support the parish, get entered into the Classroom contest (purchase by Tues 9/11), or the tuition credit raffle (buy by Wed. 9/12).
- Two (2) days left to buy MegaBracelets, tomorrow Tuesday, 9/11, from 6:30-7:30 pm & from 5-8 pm, Wednesday, 9/12 in Kane Hall ($45 cash or check only, unlimited rides all fest!)
- SLOW DOWN. Barricades going up today and blocking Washtenaw at 103rd St. If you don't have to drive to school, please have your children walk!