Dear SJF Families,
Because of the extreme weather conditions, we will be canceling school and all after school activities tomorrow and Thursday. Please see below for all of the important information you need to know for the remainder of the week.
Stay safe and warm. I look forward to seeing you on Friday!
Regarding the Disney on Ice Trip Friday:
- All of the students in grades PK- 2nd should be at school for the regular start of the school day.
- All Full Day preschoolers will meet in their classrooms at the regular time. PART TIME AFTERNOON STUDENTS WILL COME TO SCHOOL AT 8:30. Preschoolers will wear their Preschool t-shirts and comfortable pants.
- The buses will be lined up and numbered around the perimeter of the building on the day of the trip. To ensure the safety of all, we ask that no one park in those areas.
- All K-2 students should wear their gym uniforms on the day of the trip. DRESS WARMLY!!
- Students should bring a small lunch and juice box/water in a brown bag. No cans or glass bottles allowed.
- In order to be fair to all, we ask that none of the children bring extra money for concessions or trinkets.
- Chaperones should report to the office at 8:45. Please bring a small bag to carry lunches. DRESS WARMLY!!!!!