Dear Parents,
SJF “spiritwear” is now available. Spiritwear makes great Christmas gifts! This program gives back gives back 5% of sales to the Family School Association, which supports various school programs. Click here to view products and place an order. The store is online only and purchases are shipped directly to you. If you have questions, please call Tricia Griffin 708-213-1173.
There will be a uniform exchange tomorrow (Thursday) from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the convent. You can also buy Queen of Hearts tickets at the uniform exchange. Please with questions.
Speaking of Queen of Hearts, we had another rollover this week and the pot is at $47,000. YOU STAND TO WIN APPROXIMATELY $30,000! Tickets will be sold at Uniform Exchange and Girls' Basketball home games (see below). The next drawing is Saturday Night at Cork and Kerry. Click here for directions and cards no longer in play.
Girls’ Basketball Pack the House is this Saturday. We will have Queen of Hearts tickets for sale at all girls basketball hosting days (Wednesday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday).
Who loves to see familiar faces in the newspaper? Look no further, and join us in supporting our neighborhood paper during the Beverly Review subscription drive! The school will receive a portion of each new or renewed subscription. This is open to all families in the neighborhood, not only SJF students, so ask family and friends! If your subscription doesn't renew till later in the year, no problem, they will extend your subscription from the date of your normal renewal! Please clip off the bottom of this flyer and return it with your check to the school. (Sorry, but we are not able to use online payments for this.)
Have a wonderful Wednesday!
Have a wonderful week!