Guest Protocol for SJF School Advisory Board Meetings
The SAB always welcomes guests’ input, interactions, and feedback from active school and parish community members.
For guests that solely want to attend and listen to the open session of a SAB meeting without a specific idea or concern to address, we’d ask that you do the following:
• To the extent possible, please let us know you intend to attend as early as possible so that we can move the meeting to an appropriate venue should a large crowd be expected.
• On the day of the meeting, please sign in to the non-board member attendance sheet when you enter the library, noting you are a listening-only attendee.
For guests that want to actively add an idea or concern to the agenda and raise at a meeting as a new guest comment, we’d ask that do you the following:
• At least three days in advance of the meeting, e-mail us at with details of your proposed agenda item, why you believe it is relevant for SAB discussion, and any supplementary materials that would help the SAB be prepared to respond to / address the item.
• Your item will be reviewed by the Executive Committee of the SAB, and a SAB representative will contact you at least one day in advance of the meeting confirming its inclusion in the agenda, providing an expected time frame to discuss the matter, and asking any other clarifying questions deemed needed to be answered before the item can be discussed live.
• On the day of the meeting, please sign in to the non-board member attendance sheet when you enter the library, noting you are a speaking attendee.
• At the specified time for your agenda item, the chairperson will invite you to address the meeting; please make your point(s) clearly and succinctly and adhere to the time frame given.
• SAB members may ask additional questions or provide a response / initial feedback should your item already have consensus among the SAB members from prior discussion / collaboration.
• If easy consensus is not available, the SAB will typically not engage in a live debate of the item; rather, the chairperson will summarize the discussion of your item, refer it to the appropriate SAB member(s) for follow-up, and commit to provide you feedback by a specific time and method; the most likely feedback loop will be during the review of past guest comments at the next full board meeting.
Except for when specifically invited to participate by the chairperson, all guests, whether listen-only or presenting an agenda item, are asked to respectfully observe the proceedings of the meeting and not actively engage in or offer opinions on the board discussions. Also, as a reminder, issues of school personnel or an individual family or a particular student’s needs are NOT to be discussed at a SAB meeting. Any comments you do make should be general enough in nature that they could apply to all students or families. If you have personal issues not appropriate for this forum, we’d ask you to please contact the appropriate teacher, staff member, principal and/or pastor directly to voice your concerns.