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Meeting Agenda and Minutes

SJF School Advisory Board Meeting Agenda

Meeting Agenda and Minutes

Agenda: 9/14/21 School Board Meeting 7 PM in Kane Hall

1. Pastor Update: Vaccines will be required for Arch employees and volunteers by Oct 4th. Renew My Church Committee formed working through requirements to be shared at Town Hall upcoming in early October.

2. Principal Update: Shared back to school highlights and appreciation for efforts across all parent led organizations. Related to tonight’s agenda on fundraising, emphasized how important it is to keep tuition at such competitive rates.

3. Guests: No guests in attendance.

4. Alignment on following Schedule and Goals. One schedule change moving October SAB meeting to 10/12 @ 7 due to Renew My Church conflict.

5. Budget Recap; Operating budget for 2021-2022 School year includes 125k fundraising goal and 100k Manna goal plus reliance on long term savings.

6. Fundraising Proposals and Committee Formation (John O’Connor/All – 20 Minute)

· SAB, FSA, Women’s Club, and Men’s Club leaders agreed to work together to support Foundation Goals to lead 2 large scale fundraisers for the school. Oktoberfest already underway led by Erin Schober and Spring Dinner Dance planning to begin in October led by John O’Connor. Next steps is to form committees by late October.

· Holiday Raffle proceeds will go towards Parish budget led by Amy O’Connor and Karen McDonough.

7. Strategic Planning: Foundation Announcement: Board of Directors formed, Website and Communication in Process to support for upcoming fundraisers.

 If you are catching up on news from last year’s efforts, we’d recommend reviewing the material from the State of the School Presentation helps in March, 2021. The State of the School Meeting  and State of the School Presentation  where we shared an update on SJF's Strategic Plan.


