Dear SJF Parents/Guardians,
As you have most likely have heard in the news, the trial of Chicago Police Officer, Jason Van Dyke, who was charged in the shooting death of Laquan McDonald, may reach a verdict this week. Please know we are closely monitoring this case and are in daily contact with the Chicago Police Department for updates. The CPD will be assigning a tactical unit designated just for schools from 103rd-115th street and from California Ave. to Western Ave.
If the situation immediately following the end of the trial or verdict appears to be unsafe for our students, staff or parents, our school will enact a developed comprehensive Crisis Plan. The Crisis Plan addresses a variety of situations, including cancelling after school events and possible school closure. If we feel students are not safe in leaving the building after school we will use our “soft” lockdown procedure. If the school remains open, and you are not personally comfortable with the situation in your area, know that you may decide to keep your child(ren) at home. Parents/Guardians will be notified of any important details or closures by St. John Fisher School Messenger. Please continue to monitor messages coming from both St. John Fisher and our school website
Please pray for peace in our communities, city, country and world. Jesus calls us to be peacemakers, "Blessed are the peacemakers, for they shall be called sons and daughters of God.” Matthew 5:9. You may also want to recite the Prayer of St. Francis, Prayer to End Gun Violence or the Litany of Peace in your home. Also, remind your son or daughter about the power of prayer to help reduce any fear or anxiety that they might be experiencing.
Thank You,
Jim Fornaciari
SJF Principal