Dear SJF Families,
Thank you so much for your flexibility and cooperation during this unprecedented time. Attached is a letter from the Superintendent of the Archdiocese announcing that Catholic Schools will be closed beginning Monday, March 16th.
- Alternative and E-Learning plans have been created so that our students can continue to learn from home. Our teachers are discussing and explaining these plans with your children. The expectation is that students should be working on their assignments each day.
- Please remain vigilant during this time period, checking your e-mail and teachers' blogs for any updates. Directions and guidelines of each teacher's expectations have been communicated and will be provided for students who are absent today.
- For those students who are absent today, work can be picked up (today) from 12:30-3:30 in the main office. We have gathered all of the necessary belongings and supplies from your child's desk and locker in order for him/her to be successful in the coming week(s).
- To reiterate, all extra-curricular activities, practices and games are also suspended until further notice.
Thank you so much for your patience as we work through this together.