Archdiocesan Catholic Schools participate in the federal government’s E-Rate and Title I programs, which provide schools funding for technology, virtual learning systems, professional development for faculty and staff, academic support, instructional material and summer programs. A portion of the funding for these important educational programs is made available through tax dollars. Every family generates federal dollars and every student should benefit from the programs these funds support, regardless of income.
In order to maximize potential federal funding eligibility for our Catholic school system, the Archdiocese has requested that ALL parents and guardians of students in Catholic schools complete a Household Income (HHI) survey. This is a CONFIDENTIAL survey. Survey responses will be protected and used only by the Archdiocese to determine eligibility for our school and students.
The survey will only take five minutes for you to complete. Click here for the survey.
Please complete this survey by September 8th. The Archdiocese is mandating 100% of families complete it, and we will have to follow up individually with families that do not complete it.
Thank you for your assistance.