HSPT Entrance Exam Prep Course An HSPT Entrance Exam Prep Course will be offered to interested 8th grade students. SJF instructors will review all 5 sections of the exam: Verbal Skills, Mathematics, Reading, Language and Quantitative Skills. The students will learn time management skills which are crucial for the HSPT and all standardized tests. Instructors will teach important problem-solving strategies and work to review and strengthen students’ content knowledge during the prep course. Cost: $125, course registration forms will be sent home to all 8th grade students Course Time: 3PM - 4PM Course Dates: 10/15, 10/16, 10/22, 10/23, 10/29, 11/5, 11/6, 11/12, 11/13, 11/19, 11/20, 12/3 & 12/4 Instructors: Mrs. Folliard, Mr. Gibson & Mr. Hakanen *Catholic High School Entrance Exam: Saturday, December 7,2019