- SUNDAY, DECEMBER 2nd, St. Nick’s Mass (10 AM), Family Advent Wreath Making (after)
Come celebrate the 1st Sunday of Advent with St. Nick! Bring a wrapped toy for our Pro Labore Dei toy drive to give to St. Nick at the 10 AM Mass, & on the “To/ From” tag note appropriate age & if appropriate, gender to give to St. Nick to deliver! Suggested age ranges below. Pictures are welcome after Mass, and St. Nick will have a special treat for all kids. 0-2 years, 3-4 years, 5-8 years, 9-12 years, teen (gift cards welcome, suggestions McDonalds, Walgreens, Subway, CVS, AMC).
After Mass join us in Kane Hall to Make your own fresh Advent wreath, have a treat and some hot cocoa! All supplies provided. Cost $30/ Family. Please RSVP by Wed. 11/28/18 to Bridget Stalla at 773-852-4698, or fsaatsjf@gmail.com.
- Christmas Cookies Cocoa and Crafts on Thursday, Dec 6th, at 5:30 pm-8:00pm Look for Flyer in this week's backpacks!
- December 9th, Celebrate Our Lady of Guadalupe, special hand out at all Masses, Children's Rose procession at, and Family Rosary after 10 AM Mass.
- December 16th, St. Lucy Bake Sale - Looking ahead, we are looking for donations for a bake sale in honor of St. Lucy's Feast (12/13) after the 10 AM Mass. If you are willing to contribute a treat, please email us at fsaatsjf@gmail.com. Proceeds will go towards Pro Labore Dei.