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Results: 581 Articles found.
  • Notes from Mrs. Nash, March 26, 2021

    Dear SJF Families, Our Falcons have been working hard this Lenten Season at becoming the BEST version of themselves. We lovingly remind our Falcons that we are all in this together and that we are here to support each other every step of the way.

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  • Notes from Mrs. Nash, 3.19.21

    Dear SJF Families, This week SJF celebrated St. Patrick’s Day and St. Joseph’s Day. Traditionally at SJF, our third graders perform the story of St. Patrick at morning mass before the South Side Irish Parade. Last year, our third graders practiced so hard for this big performance, only to have it cancelled because of COVID. This year, our now fourth graders received a “do-over”.

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  • Notes from Mrs. Nash 3.12.21

    Dear SJF Families, It is hard to believe that the third trimester is here! We are excited for the clean slate that this new marking period brings and we look forward to our continued success as we finish out this unprecedented school year. On behalf of SJF’s School Advisory Board and the SJF Leadership Team, thank you for your engagement with our strategic plan update.

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  • Notes from Mrs. Nash, 3.5.21

    Dear SJF Families, We have made it to the last week of the second trimester. This weekend is a great opportunity for our students to catch up on any late or missing assignments and go the extra mile to finish up strong! The end of the marking period often consists of unit assessments.

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  • Notes from Mrs. Nash, February 26, 2021

    Dear SJF Families, It is hard to believe that this is the last week of February! In many ways, thanks to the pandemic, it seems like this has been an extremely long and strenuous year. On the other hand, I often find myself saying, “where did the year go?!”.

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  • Notes from Mrs. Nash, 2.19.21

    Dear SJF Families, Even though this was a three-day week, our Falcons were very productive! As Catholics, we began the solemn season of Lent. We helped prepare the kids for Lent by discussing that during this time we pray, give up things, and do good deeds for others in order to prepare for the great celebration of Jesus’ resurrection at Easter! Though there are still mountains of snow on the ground, Spring is on the horizon!

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  • Ash Wednesday Live Stream

    The live stream will begin about 10 minutes before the service starts. Please press the play button in the player above. You will see a screen stating that the live stream will begin shortly along with some soft music to make sure your speakers are working properly. Once the stream has ended, the video will be available to view once it has been uploaded.​

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  • Notes from Mrs. Nash, February 11, 2021

    Dear SJF Families, You can still feel the high energy and excitement in our classrooms and hallways as we continue to ride the wave of last week’s awesome Catholic Schools Week. As we head into our four-day President’s Day and Valentine’s Day weekend, we press pause to call to mind how grateful we are for all of the people in our lives whom we love and cherish.

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  • Notes from Mrs. Nash, 2.5.21

    Dear SJF Families, We had a fabulous week celebrating our awesome school! Our Falcons work so hard to be good students and good people. Their future is limitless! As parents and guardians, you sacrifice so much to send your children to our school and work so hard with them at home to ensure they feel loved, are successful and provided for. The SJF staff works tirelessly to keep our ship sailing smoothly each day by supporting our teachers, parents and students.

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Results: 581 Articles found.